Third European Workshop on
Algorithmic Fairness

Mainz, Germany
July 1-3, 2024

A 3-day interdisciplinary workshop bringing together researchers in algorithmic fairness

EWAF'25 will be held in Eindhoven, The Netherlands: 

Conference App, for timetable and schedule information: 

With the ever-expanding influence of AI, the conversation around algorithmic fairness has become a cornerstone of responsible technology development. The Third European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness intends to advance this discourse with a unique focus on the European experience.

The broad concept of EWAF is to showcase the proactive efforts and innovative research emerging from Europe, emphasizing its potential to guide global standards. The workshop welcomes interdisciplinary submissions dealing with the fields of computer science, law, sociology and philosophy and especially submissions which deal with issues of European specificity.

For more information about EWAF themes, dates and submissions please visit the call for papers page.


The workshop will be held from July the 1st to July the 3rd at the Alte Mensa of Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz, Germany. 

Mainz is the capital of Rhineland-Palatinate and is easy to reach from many European cities. Please visit the Venue page for more information.


Submission deadline: 15 March 2024 29 March 2024 (11:59 pm AoE)

Acceptance notifications: 26 April 2024  06 May 2024

European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness: 1-3 July 2024

Submission website: EasyChair 


Travel grants

We offer travel grants for early-career researchers (PhD students or defended PhD up to four years before the beginning of the workshop) whose submissions have been accepted for presentation at EWAF'24 or who volunteer as a session chair.

More information on funding opportunities will be up on this website after acceptance decisions have been sent out.


We intend to make the workshop as accessible as possible. The venue is wheelchair accessible, but early notification of your needs will allow us to better prepare. Please let us know if you require assistance or accommodations by sending an email to We're happy to help you if you, for example, have questions about navigating the city, the workshop venue or finding accessible hotels. 


You can bring your children to the workshop, they are welcome to attend the sessions. If you would like to arrange childcare, you can contact us ( and we can help you with the organization.

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