Call for Interactive Sessions

Accepted Interactive Sessions

Thea Radüntz, Martin Brenzke and Dominik Köhler

Striving for Equity: Navigating Algorithmic Fairness for AI in the Workplace

Marilisa D'Amico, Ernesto Damiani, Costanza Nardocci, Paolo Ceravolo, Samira Maghool, Marta Annamaria Tamborini, Paolo Gambatesa and Fatemeh Mohammadi

Building Bridges from and Beyond the EU Artificial Intelligence Act. Regulating AI-based Discrimination in the European Scenario

Giulia Teverini, Joy Ciliani and Alessia Nicoletta Marino

Fairness, or not fairness, that is the question. Rethinking virtual assistants' responses from an ethical perspective

Teresa Scantamburlo and Silvia Crafa

Moral Exercises for Human Oversight of AI Systems

Elisabeth Späth

Artificial Intelligence for assessment in the context of asylum procedures – lessons learned and reflections upon fairness-related challenges via participatory methods and science-policy dialogue


Submission deadline: 29 March 2024
Acceptance Notification: 26 April 2024
Submission Website: EasyChair -- be sure to select the "Call for Interactive Proposals" Track


EWAF is dedicated to shaping discussions on fairness in Artificial Intelligence, focusing on the unique challenges and opportunities within the European context. Recognizing the crucial role of diverse perspectives in these discussions, we seek contributions that extend beyond the academic discourse, involving voices from industry, civil society, government, NGOs and other non-academic sectors.

This call invites contributions in the form of workshops, panels, unconferences and other interactive formats, to: 

1. Address gaps between theory and practice, research and policy, the multiple fields tackling ethical AI; 

2. Position European institutions, both research and governmental, and their impact on ethical AI; and 

3. Foster conversations between the different stakeholders involved in ethical AI, promoting interdisciplinary and cross-practice discussions. 


Proposals should align with EWAF’s goals of growing a diverse community and fostering robust discussions on ethical AI within the European framework. Suggested themes include, but are not limited to:

Proposal Structure and Guidelines

We kindly ask you to structure your session proposal by including the following:

Given EWAF 2024’s size, we note that we are committed to work along with the accepted  proposals if needed or if requested by the proposal coordinator. We want EWAF to be a  welcoming venue for your session. 

Evaluation process

Interactive session proposals will be evaluated by the Program Chairs in conjunction with the Interactive Session Chairs. Holistically, we are interested in all sessions that will enrich EWAF’s program with critical perspectives and that will contribute to interdisciplinary discussions. More specifically, sessions will be evaluated by i) their adherence to EWAF themes (please refer to the Call for Papers); ii) innovation in topic and format; iii) diversity in organizers.